Thursday, May 14, 2009

My local Redbox...

So one day, long ago, I seen this goldmine at the nearest Albertsons and didn't think too much of it. Even though it said $1 for movies. Once I actually thought about givin' it a chance but ended up goin' to Blockbuster instead. Damn big mistake I see now. So one night me and a friend were rollin' in my car and I was like wait a min, lets check out this redbox by my house. So we did and the rest was history. I luv it so damn much it's crazy. You can get the latest movies as soon as they come out on dvd. I mean it's def good for movies you prob miss in theaters. By the way now they changed it to 9pm next day where you can return it, plus you can return your movies at any redbox station. I was sayin' this 2 one of my friends actually, that they should make a redbox store haha... $1 movies is the best and by the way you have to use your atm cuz of course it doesn't accept cash. luv it haha...

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